Safe and Affordable Issaquah for all!

Vote for Katia Zakharoff

Meet Katia Zakharoff

I am running for the Issaquah City Council because our city needs a fresh and proactive approach to address the growing unaffordability of living, lack of public transportation options, affordable childcare, homelessness, rising crime rates, and traffic congestion. The current council is struggling to provide timely and effective solutions to these issues. I am committed to implementing innovative and sustainable strategies, collaborating with residents, businesses, and experts, and addressing the root causes of these problems to create a city that is affordable, safe, and accessible for all.

Small Business Owner:

I bring decades of experience as a small business owner, granting me valuable insights into the challenges faced by local entrepreneurs and residents alike. Through my work, I have developed a deep understanding of the economic factors that influence the city's growth and prosperity. My firsthand experience in navigating bureaucratic hurdles and balancing budgets gives me a unique perspective on how to promote economic development while ensuring that local businesses thrive.

Community Involvement:

Furthermore, as a member of the Issaquah Highlands Community Association Board of Directors, I have demonstrated my commitment to community engagement and leadership. I understand the importance of actively involving residents in decision-making processes and fostering a sense of unity among the diverse population of our city.

A Champion for Children and Youth:

With my extensive background in working with children and youth, I recognize the significance of investing in their future. I firmly believe that providing access to quality education, arts, and sports opportunities is paramount in shaping well-rounded individuals who will become the future leaders of Issaquah.

Through my involvement as a volunteer with several charities supporting youngsters in education, arts and sports, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of such programs. My dedication to fostering creativity, personal growth, and community engagement has earned me the respect and admiration of many parents, educators, and young residents.

Global Perspective and Fresh Ideas:

Having traveled and lived in various parts of the world, I bring a global perspective to the local issues faced by Issaquah. My exposure to different cultures and systems has broadened my outlook and enabled me to identify innovative solutions that have proven successful in other regions.

By combining my global experiences with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and needs of Issaquah, I can offer fresh ideas and approaches to tackling problems that have plagued our community for far too long. I envision a future where Issaquah becomes a model city that embraces sustainable practices, promotes diversity and inclusivity, and fosters an environment where everyone can thrive.

The biggest pressing challenge we face is the constantly growing unaffordability of living that makes it hard for many of us to Live, Work and Play in Issaquah. Part of this problem is the lack of affordable housing options. Many households in our area are priced out of the market, making it difficult for young professionals, families, and essential workers to find suitable housing. 2023 residents survey shows that 55 percent of our households expected income will not allow them to qualify for homeownership without additional help. Homelessness is a pressing issue that also stems from the lack of affordable housing, and it is disheartening to see that a significant number of our homeless residents (up to 60 percent) are actually employed full time. These individuals are contributing to our community by working in our stores, schools, and services, yet they are forced to sleep in their cars. WA House bill 1110 offers a potential solution, but it is crucial for the city to communicate with developers and involve affordable housing programs like ARCH. This will help create more affordable rental opportunities and provide options such as starter homes and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) for different demographics.

Issaquah Challenges

The lack of affordable childcare is another part of the issue of unaffordability and needs to be addressed quickly. Many families rely on dual incomes, making it difficult for parents to balance work and childcare responsibilities. I have reached out to our school district and nonprofit organizations to explore solutions for accessible and affordable childcare options. Addressing this issue is crucial for the well-being of our community's families and children. I am committed to finding practical solutions and improving the quality of life for working families.

Another major concern for our residents is traffic congestion, which continues to plague our roads. Commutes that should be quick turn into hours-long journeys on First Street and Highlands Drive, impacting our quality of life. Studies show that a large portion of our downtown traffic is simply passing through from cities south of Issaquah. While the long-awaited expansion of Highway 18 aims to divert this traffic, in the meantime, many residents, including myself, believe that developing public transportation options is the solution. In October, a pilot project for Metro Flex, which I have advocated for in front of our Transportation Commission, will be implemented as a first step towards alleviating this issue. One additional advantage of having dependable public transportation options is that it enhances the accessibility and affordability of our city.

Mental illness, drug abuse, and crime rates often intertwine, posing complex challenges for our city. In an effort to address these issues, our city has joined forces with Motel 6 to offer emergency shelters to those in urgent need. Additionally, our Homeless Outreach program plays a crucial role in assisting individuals experiencing homelessness during times of crisis. It is important to acknowledge that resolving this issue requires multifaceted solutions, rather than a single quick fix.

I wholeheartedly support this initiative and firmly believe that prevention should be emphasized over confrontation. I am grateful for the dedication and hard work of our police department, as their efforts have resulted in a decrease in the number of robberies. To further enhance community safety, I believe that fostering better communication through meet and greets and community events is essential. By empowering residents with knowledge on crime prevention measures, we can collectively work towards securing our properties and neighborhoods.

Lastly, I am deeply committed to environmental stewardship. It is crucial for our city to set an example by implementing sustainable practices, promoting renewable energy sources, and protecting our natural spaces for future generations. I am proud to share that our recently revised Land Use Code provides excellent guidance on how to balance the inevitable growth of our city with preservation, strengthening, and protecting the development patterns that define Issaquah. This year, our city achieved a significant milestone by being the first in Washington to receive the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Award. As your council member, I will fully support and continue the work to keep our city green.

During my service on the IHCA Board of Directors, we have made great strides in promoting a greener community. We have implemented small yet impactful initiatives such as providing recyclable pet waste bags and transitioning our gas fleet and tools to electric. Additionally, we have made sure that newly built communities are equipped with car charging stations to encourage the use of electric vehicles. I am dedicated to building upon these achievements and finding new ways to promote sustainability in our community.

I am running for city council because I believe in the power of effective leadership, collaborative problem-solving, and the strength of our community. Together, we can bring attention to these challenges and find innovative solutions that make a tangible difference in the lives of Issaquah residents. I implore you to join me in this endeavor, to raise your voices and demand the change we deserve.

Let us amplify the dialogue surrounding these critical issues, engaging community members, experts, and stakeholders in meaningful conversations. By listening to the concerns and experiences of our fellow residents, we can create a comprehensive roadmap for progress and ensure that no challenge goes unnoticed or unaddressed.

This election is not just about me; it is about us, our shared vision for a thriving, inclusive, and resilient city. I humbly ask for your support, your trust, and your vote. Together, let us bring these challenges to the forefront of the public discourse, and with determination, compassion, and a relentless drive for change, let us shape a future where Issaquah overcomes its challenges and emerges stronger than ever before. Together let's build Issaquah SAFE and AFFORDABLE place for all of us!

Bringing a fresh, new and active approach to Issaquah City Council


  • Issaquah Highlands Community Association Board of Directors

  • Issaquah Highlands Covenant Committee

  • Owner of The Ballroom, LLC - NIKA International DanceSport Academy for over a decade


  • BA in Economics - Regional Finance and Economics Institute - Kursk, Russia (2004)

  • MBA in Corporate Management - Regional Finance and Economics Institute - Kursk, Russia (2006)


  • NIKA Dancesport Foundation

  • Issaquah Highlands Volunteer of the month (January 2022)


Get in Touch


Checks can be made to "Katia For Issaquah", and sent to:

1567 Highlands Dr NE #110, Box 116

Issaquah, WA 98029

Individual contributions in the City of Issaquah cannot exceed $500

Thank you for your support!